Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Carb Count Thus Far Today

3 splenda packets (3 grams)
1 2-net gram Atkins bar (2 grams)

5 grams total of carbs as of 3 p.m.

15 carb grams (at first I typed carg brams) to go.

I am "cheating" a little bit in that I have allowed myself some Atkins products in the first two weeks. During Induction you're supposed to avoid anything that's not a meat, a veggie, an oil or a cheese/cream. But when you're busy and haven't had time to do some proper grocery shopping, you have to make a few concessions.

I justify this decision by the fact that I went to the gym yesterday afternoon.

Also, a note: last night I discovered a safe takeout menu item (I think):

Chili & Mint Leaves with Chicken.

Thai takeout. It's just chicken, green & red pepper slivers, mint leaves, and chili oil. Oil is OK on Atkins. There's no sugar in the clear sauce. Indeed, it tastes like it's all habanero.

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